1Departments of Experimental Endocrinology and 2Pathology, University of Crete, School of Medicine, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Cancer, Estrogen receptor, Nuclear-extranuclear actions, Pathology, Receptor isoforms, Signaling
Estrogen receptors (ERs) belong to the NR3 class of nuclear receptors.1 This class includes, in addition to ERs, progesterone, androgen, glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors which mediate endocrine actions of steroids, as well as the orphan receptors ERRα-γ. Classically, NR3 receptors act as nuclear transcription factors. However, in recent years, the discovery of receptor isoforms, together with the identification of alternative steroid-initiated mode of action and signaling pathways, has enlarged our view on estrogen action and furnished novel clues and regulatory elements regarding their role in cancer. Nuclear-transcriptional actions of estrogen have been extensively reviewed vis-à-vis their actions in endocrine-related cancer (see for example Ref 2, for a recent review, and references herein). In the present review, we focus on alternative modes of action of estrogen and discuss some elements suggesting possible novel uses of estrogen agonists and antagonists, with a special emphasis on breast cancer, a primary target of estrogen.
1. ER sequence and plurality
1.1. ERs exist in multiple isoforms
Two different forms of the estrogen receptor have been described, ERα and ERβ. They are coded by two distinct genes, located in chromosomes 6 and 14, and produce two proteins with 595 and 530 aminoacids, respectively.3-5 The internal structure of the ER genes contains 8 exons (Figure 1). Like all members of the nuclear receptor family, ERs present an internal structure comprising 6 evolutionary conserved domains named A-F: at the N-terminal, domains A/B contain the transcription activation function 1 (AF1), a ligand-independent transcription activator part of the receptor; the highly conserved domain C is its DNA-binding domain; domain D is the hinge region, responsible for the recruitment, binding and function of a number of receptor co-modulators, while domains E and F contain the ligand binding domain, together with the transcriptional activation function 2 (AF2), a ligand-dependent activator of transcription (Figure 1).6,7
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the different domains of the estrogen receptors. Figure plotted from data presented in references 8 and 2. Only exons are shown in the Figure, with the exception of (1) the intron between A/B and C domains, in which an alternative transcription initiation site has been reported; (2) intron 8, as exon 9 is included only in the sequence of ERα36. Grey boxes represent the alternative specific aminoacid sequences for each isoform; in the sequence of the ERα36, this represents the transcription of a novel exon 9 (shown in A), while in the ERβ isoform it represents sequence differences in exon 8. See text for further details.
Several splice variants have been described for both receptor types (Figure 1). Α shorter ERα isoform, lacking exon 1 and consequently the AF1 (ERα46), has been identified.9 Moreover, an alternative transcription initiation site, within intron 1 of ERα, may generate another isoform of this receptor, lacking, in addition to AF1, a part of AF2 and containing a unique C-terminal aminoacid sequence (exon 9, ERα36).8,10 Finally, a number of ERα variants, lacking the 5’UTR of the receptor, have also been found in cancer cell lines.11 Of note, all these isoforms may heterodimerize with the full-length ERα and thereby repress AF1-mediated activity.8,9 ERα46 has been found to exert estrogen-related vascular effects,12-15 while ERα36 has been demonstrated to mediate a wide spectrum of estrogen extra nuclear actions.16 In addition, several splice variants of ERβ have been identified, with specific differences in exon 8 (Figure 1),17,18 differentially modulating estrogen signaling.19-21
1.2. ER action
Our understanding of the mode of action of ERs has significantly expanded in the last decade. Summing up the available knowledge, two main ER effects can be distinguished (Figure 2):
Figure 2. Cellular mode of action of estrogens. See text for details.
1. Direct transcriptional effects
Classically, liganded ERs dimerize and translocate to the nucleus, acting as transcription factors per se, binding to specific promoter estrogen response elements (ERE) or through protein-protein interactions with other transcription factors (tethered actions). Through this latter transcriptional activation/repression, ERs can therefore influence the expression of genes lacking EREs.22-25 In addition, unliganded ERs may be phosphorylated by activated kinases (for example, through growth factor receptor activation26), then may dimerize, bind DNA and regulate gene transcription, contributing to the hormone-independence of certain tumors.27,28
2. Extranuclear action
Data accumulated during the last two decades suggest the existence of a specific extranuclear estrogen binding component (membrane-bound and/or cytoplasmic-related), which, upon activation, may trigger a number of signaling events (ion mobilization, kinases activation) and ultimately lead to transcriptional events different from those induced by the classical or tethered ER action. This element might be either a classical ER,29-32 ERα isoforms10,12,15,33,34 or a novel, non-identified distinct receptor.35-37
In the following sections, we will focus on the extranuclear actions of ERs, since accumulating evidence demonstrates their presence in breast cancer (especially in ERα negative tumors) and point to the existence of an alternative novel mode of estrogen action in cancer that could be therapeutically exploited.
2. Nature of extranuclear ERs
2.1. Native ER isoforms; the role of receptor palmitoylation
An element which greatly contributed to the elucidation of ER extranuclear and membrane-initiated actions of ERs is the receptor palmitoylation and anchorage to the plasma membrane.39,40 Palmitoylation is a regulated, universal, reversible, post-translational modification, mandatory for the regulation of trafficking, membrane localization and activity of many cellular proteins.41,42 A global cell palmitoylation profile identifies two types of protein palmitoylation: stably lipoylated and proteins sustaining a very rapid and dynamic palmitoylation.43 Palmitoylation increases protein hydrophobicity and membrane association.44 ERα as well as ERβ are subjected to rapid palmitoylation/de-palmitoylation at cysteine residues 447 and 339,45,46 mediated by two palmitoyl-acyl-transferases (PAT).47 Of particular interest, a similar palmitoylation motif exists in all NR3 family of nuclear receptors,48 indicating palmitoylation as a common post-transcriptional modification of estrogen, androgen, glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors. Palmitoylation targets the receptor to the plasma membrane where it exists within caveolar rafts and interacts with specific membrane proteins, including caveolin-1. E2 association induces both ERα and ERβ de-palmitoylation and differential interaction with specialized proteins. Specifically, the ERα-caveolin-1 complex is dissociated and impairs receptor association with adaptors and/or signaling proteins such as the modulator of the non-genomic activity of estrogen receptor (MNAR) and c-Src.49 On the other hand, this is not the case for ERβ, which shows an increased association with caveolin-1, occurring along with other cytoplasmic kinases (i.e. p38 kinase) in colon cancer, upon estrogen stimulation and de-palmitoylation.50 Therefore, palmitoylation/de-palmitoylation is necessary for the induction of some estrogen-evoked extranuclear actions,51 including the balance between proliferation/apoptosis or proliferation/differentiation.52-54
2.2. GPR30
At the beginning of the last decade, a novel membrane bound G-protein-coupled receptor (GPR30) was identified as a novel estrogen-binding protein.55 GPR30 (or GPER-1, as it was recently renamed, reviewed in Ref 56) has a structure totally different from the classical ERs. It is an integral membrane protein and a classical G-protein-coupled molecule which is present in various cell membrane elements (including the plasma membrane and the endoplasmic reticulum). Through activation of adenylate cyclase, GPR30 triggers the release of EGF membrane-tethered molecules.57 Although it was introduced as the prototype of membrane ERs, the localization of this protein among cell membrane components is a matter of controversy: older publications suggest that this receptor is an integral membrane element,57-59 a finding debated by others and attributed to methodological problems;60 more recent publications provide hints as to the localization of this protein within the endoplasmic reticulum, or on the Golgi apparatus, subjected to a trans-Golgi turnover.61-63 The research on this receptor has been enriched by the introduction of specific agonists and antagonists (G1 and G15-G36, respectively). It was found that GPR30 may mediate a number of estrogen actions in ERα-positive or negative tissues (reviewed in Ref 61).
GPR30 activity has been reported in different systems, including organs of reproduction (breast, endometrium, ovary and testis), the thyroid gland, the central nervous system (reviewed in Ref 56, and references herein) and the cardiovascular system.64 However, a number of authors have questioned these results,60 while others have suggested that GPR30 might be a co-modulator of ERα rather than a pure estrogen receptor.65 In support of this hypothesis, it has been suggested that GPR30 actions may be triggered through the ERα isoform ERα36.16 Interestingly, in a recent transcriptomic analysis in breast cancer cells,66 we have reported that over 95% of early modified genes, inhibited by the GPR30 antagonist G15, were equally inhibited by ICI 182780, a pure ER antagonist, implying either a cooperation of GPR30 with classical or alternatively spliced estrogen receptors or a direct dependence of GPR30 receptor on ER-regulated effects. Moreover, in the same study we reported a small number of genes, related to apoptosis, metabolism, immune functions and different signaling pathways as being GPR30 specific, a result supporting previous publications on GPR30 functions (critically discussed in Ref 66, and references herein).
2.3. Novel receptor molecules
In addition to the above cited molecules, there is evidence of the existence of (an)other membrane-located site(s), binding estrogen. The evidence is based on the following data. (i) pharmacological data indicate that some of rapid E2 effects are not inhibited by ER antagonists.37,67 Indeed, ER-antagonists have been proposed as agonists of GPR3056 or ERα36.10 However, they do not have any effect on some E2-mediated ion movements and signaling cascades, suggesting additional interactions with other molecules. (ii) The use of plasma membrane impermeable E2 analogs (E2-covalently linked with protein macromolecules, such as BSA, or with polysacharide dendrimers68) triggers rapid actions and induces transcriptional effects different from those attributed to nuclear-acting ERα.35,69 (iii) Finally, a small number of reports67,70 point to the existence of an unknown protein, identified through affinity chromatography and E2-binding, from membranes of E2-interacting cells, which is partially recognized by ERα antibodies. Unfortunately, until now this molecule(s) has not been conclusively identified. These data suggest that probably, in addition to the identified receptor forms, additional molecules may mediate some of the actions of E2, acting preferentially at the plasma membrane. Corroborating this conclusion is the fact that in breast cancer xenografts, additional molecules, interacting with ER-antibodies, are identified, suggesting a more complex regulation of ERs during cancer evolution (see below).71
3. ER signaling
3.1. Nuclear signaling: the role of co-regulators and receptor shuttling
The main localization of ERs (ERα and ERβ) is within the nucleus.72,73 However, their nuclear distribution changes, following ligand binding, as a consequence of their role as transcriptional modifiers: in a ligand-free state, the receptor is fairly homogeneously distributed within the nuclear matrix; however, after E2-interaction, ERs adopt a dotted pattern, typical of an interaction with specific nuclear elements.74,75 In addition, a constant shuttling of the receptor between the cytoplasm and the nucleus occurs, while the binding of agonists and antagonists modify this highly dynamic process.76 The nuclear import of ERs is regulated by their binding to specific proteins, facilitating their transport, through a sequence of basic aminoacids (PKKKRK, or, in the case of ERs, KRSKK), named nuclear localization signals (NLS, critically discussed in Refs 74, 77). ERs contain at least three such sequences, ensuring their binding to carrier proteins and nuclear import. In contrast, ERs do not contain the prototype leucin-rich nuclear export signal (NES),78 but have sequences with a limited homology to them.79,80 Furthermore, ERs may interact with other proteins, containing NESs, and be transported to the cytoplasm as protein-protein complexes (discussed in Ref 81). In consequence, the ERs’ cellular localization is a dynamic process, involving continuous cycles of nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling.82 In addition, after ER-DNA interaction and/or phosphorylation, the receptor molecules become polyubiquitinated, dissociate from DNA and transiently accumulate in the nuclear matrix to be subsequently degraded by the action of the 26S proteasome.80,83-85
In the nucleus, ligand- or phosphorylated-activated ERs bind to specific DNA sequences, named estrogen response elements (ERE), to modify the transcription of estrogen-responsive genes, or they interact with other transcription factors through protein-protein interactions, to regulate genes lacking EREs.86 This binding is enhanced or attenuated by the interaction of ER with co-regulator proteins (co-activators or co-repressors, respectively).87-90 Co-activator binding and activity are relatively well characterized for the AF2 region of ER. It is of note that these co-regulator proteins contain the characteristic motif LxxLL73,91 and bind and activate liganded (or phosphorylated) ERs, by modifying their conformation. It is important to mention that a platform (P295-T311) between the hinge (D) and the ligand binding domain (E/F) of the ERα, well-conserved among all NR3 class receptors, actively participates in co-regulator binding and activity modification of the receptor.92 In contrast, the AF1, ligand-independent, co-regulator binding region is less well studied. It has been proposed that different domains of this region (aminoacids 1-62, 80-113 and 118-149) represent the active platform of this function, while an interaction of AF1 and AF2 may also occur.26,93 In recent years, there has been an intense research effort with a view to identifing, modifing or de novo synthesizing ER co-regulator peptides with a therapeutic profile,94 especially in the light of the increasing emergence of resistance of (breast) cancer patients to endocrine therapy. Such peptides are called PERMs, for “peptidomimetic estrogen receptor modulators”,95 or CBIs, for “coactivator binding inhibitors”.86
3.2. Extranuclear signaling
Even in the earliest studies (mid-50’s) on steroid actions, it was observed that steroids can also act sometimes too fast, an effect that could not be attributed to the classical, time-consuming, genomic mode of action.96,97 The key publication, however, which introduced the concept of non-genomic, rapid, extranuclear estrogen effects was that of Szego and Davis.98 The authors reported an acute, early (30 seconds) increase of uterine cAMP in rats treated with physiological concentrations of E2. This work was followed, during the 70’s and 80’s, by the publication of several reports implying the existence of a rapid steroid action that is initiated at the plasma membrane level.99-115
Extranuclear estrogen receptor signaling has been critically reviewed in Ref 38,116,117. Their action can be categorized as follows:
1. Ion movement through the plasma membrane
Soon after the extranuclear/membrane actions of estrogen had been determined, a direct activation of Ca2+ flux into cells was reported.118 This effect was further confirmed by different groups, including ours,119 in a number of cell lines (reviewed in Ref 120-122), a result recently identified as being involved in E2-dependent cardiac function.123 In addition, a specific effect of E2 on K+-channels has been found, both in the CNS124,125 and other tissues, including renal tubules and the gut.126-130 These rapid activities were recently reviewed in Ref 131. This effect may also explain gender differences in epithelial water and ion movements in health and during water and ion-related disease states.
2. Membrane-related kinases and interaction with growth factor receptors
The activation of a number of kinases, implicated in membrane signaling, was an early observation in the study of E2-related extranuclear actions. They include cyclic nucleotide (cAMP, cGMP) generating enzymes132-144 and subsequently activated protein kinases,145-155 lipid kinases (such as PI3K),14,144,145,156-168 Src kinases119,145,158,159,163,169-176 and their interaction (direct as suggested for GPR30, or indirect through Src144) with growth factor receptors. The most extensively studied interaction is that with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR),57,58,156,177-185 in view of its prominent role in cancer cell biology and its place as a therapeutic target. Indeed, an E2-membrane binding component seems to interact either physically57,58 or through Src kinases, transactivating the EGFR and inducing specific signaling cascades. Interestingly, in a whole transcriptome analysis that we have performed in breast cancer cells (Notas et al, Mol. Oncol. in press, 2013), we report that early (3 hours) E2 treatment of cells induces, through ERα, a direct increase in the transcription of EGFR and human epidermal growth factor receptor 3 (HER3), while human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER4) mRNA is decreased and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) levels remain unaltered, providing the first evidence of a direct modulation of EGFR by estrogen.
3. Modification of intracellular signaling cascades
The activation of membrane-related kinases triggers or modifies a number of intracellular signaling cascades. Estrogens have been implicated in the modulation of all major intracellular signaling cascades: MAP kinases,10,26,27,35,54,145,146,156,158,167,176 Jnk-cJUN,10,24,35,38,53,63,145,172,181,185 JAK-STAT,28,35,39,81,119,142,162,186 cAMP signaling, leading to CREB transcription initiation119,145,187 and finally PI3K/Akt signaling.14,35,40,119,145,157,162,167,169-172 This latter cascade may subsequently lead to transcription and/or to cytoskeletal modification. Indeed, E2 is a major modulator of actin cytoskeleton, in a variety of cell types,170,171,188-199 leading to effects as different as axonal growth, endothelial remodeling or cell migration.
4. Transcriptional actions
As stated above, the final outcome of signaling pathways triggering by estrogen is the activation of a number of nuclear transcription factors. Interestingly, the differential transcriptional signature of membrane-acting (E2-BSA) or permeable estrogen (E2) leads to the modification of different genes.35,66,170 Classical ER-mediated signals lead to the activation of genes and transcription factors regulating cell proliferation, migration and inhibition of apoptosis (Notas et al, Mol. Oncol. in press, 2013). In contrast, ERα36-mediated signals modulate immune functions, while membrane-initiated signals lead to actin modification, modification of intracellular signaling cascades and negative regulation of immune functions. In this respect, a clear distinction of genomic and non-genomic initiated transcriptional actions of estrogen is described for the first time.
4. Potential role of extranuclear ERs in breast cancer
Breast cancer, being the most common neoplasm affecting the female population worldwide, has been one of the main targets for the elucidation of the extranuclear effects of estrogen. Below, we will sum up work conducted on this tissue, categorizing it as in vitro and animal experiments, and work with patients’ samples.
4.1. Cell biology
Membrane localization of estrogen binding components has been reported in ER-positive and negative breast cancer cell lines, using fluorescently labeled membrane impermeable estrogens (E2-BSA-FITC)106,109,113,145,170,194,200 or dendrimers.68 In addition, in a number of interesting publications, by means of specific antibodies, a membrane association of ERs has also been identified.12,13,15,30,39,40,46,48,62,67,68,70,106,109,179,197 Interestingly, membrane estrogen receptors (mER) have been associated with lipid rafts,30,67,179,182,193,197 cellular anchoring molecules,198,199 growth factor receptors,58,62,63,163,193 or related to receptor pamitoylation.39,40,48,51 In addition, native ERs (ERα),39,40,48,51,201 or truncated forms of the receptor have been implicated.8,10,12,13,16,33 All signaling cascades, described in the previous paragraph, have been reported in breast cancer cells. Activation of mER in breast cancer cells leads to cell survival, by activation of anti-apoptotic and suppression of pro-apoptotic molecules,119,145 positioning this receptor localization as a pro-survival mechanism in breast cancer cells. In this respect, mER might be regarded as a negative prognostic factor in breast cancer (see the following paragraph).
In the field of cross-talk with growth factors affecting cell survival, we herein report the interaction of membrane ERs with the erythropoietin (EPO) system. As presented in Figure 3, E2-BSA acts in an additive manner with EPO to protect breast cancer cells from serum starvation-induced apoptosis. This is mediated in an ER- independent manner, as the effect is not reverted by the addition of the pure anti-estrogen ICI182780 (ICI) and relies on Akt intracellular signaling, as the addition of the PI3K/Akt inhibitor wortmannin reverts this anti-apoptotic effect. In addition to this antiapoptotic effect, membrane-acting estrogen also decreases the transcription of the EPOR, a result observed 6 hours after E2-BSA stimulation, which returns to basal levels thereafter, perhaps as a cellular response to overcome the pro-apoptotic stimuli of serum deprivation. This effect was further explored by using erythropoietin receptor (EPOR) promoter constructs (which do not contain EREs), containing its proximal and distal parts. We show that this membrane-initiated estrogen action is exerted on the distal part of the EPOR promoter, although a more detailed analysis is still needed to further elucidate this interaction. These data provide, for the first time, evidence of an interaction of mER with the EPO/EPOR system. Interestingly, previously published data indicate that inverse modifications were induced by membrane-acting androgen: testosterone-BSA-induced apoptosis is reverted by EPO, an effect also mediated by Akt signaling.202 Androgen, in that case, acts on EPOR transcription through the classical (proximal) promoter.
Figure 3. Membrane-acting estrogens interact with EPOR. A. T47D breast cancer cells were incubated with 10-7M E2-BSA, in the absence or presence of 10-6M ICI182780 (a pure ER antagonist), or 10-7M erythropoietin (Epoetin® alpha), in a culture medium devoid of serum. Apoptosis was assayed after 24h. Control conditions=non-treated cells in the presence of 10% FBS. B. Cells were incubated with equimolar concentrations (10-7M) E2-BSA and erythropoietin, in the absence (control) or the presence of wortmannin (PI3K inhibitor), SB203580 (p38 kinase inhibitor) and AG490 (JAK2 inhibitor). Apoptosis was assayed after 24h incubation. C. The constructs used for EPOR promoter assay. See Ref 202 for details. D. E2-BSA decreases EPOR transcription, acting on the distal part of the EPOR promoter. All data represent the mean±SEM of three different assays in triplicate.
4.2. Human breast cancer specimens
In contrast to breast cancer cell lines, data on human breast cancer specimens are very rare. Our group was the first to provide data on patients’ specimens.203 We have reported that mER are present on cell membranes of both ER-positive and negative samples. In contrast, no staining of non-tumoral tissue is found, suggesting that mER expression is a specific feature of breast tumors. Whenever neo-adjuvant chemotherapy was applied prior to surgery, the intensity of mER was increased. It is of note that in the same publication we also reported a negative association of increased EPO and EPOR expression with disease outcome. These results provide a translational outcome of the negative control, exerted by mER on EPOR transcription, shown in the previous paragraph and advance membrane ER(s) as possible therapeutic targets. Nevertheless, it is essential to elucidate the nature of mER and differentiate between possible specific effects of alternative membrane-localized receptor forms. More recently, we204 and others205 reported the expression of ERα36 staining in a series of triple-negative breast tumors. The majority of tumors (~97%, and 83%, respectively, in the two publications) expressed this ERα variant. Interestingly, the membrane association of ERα36 was a good prognostic factor in our series, being associated with an increased survival of patients. Perhaps, therefore, the assay of this isoform or the identification and administration of specific modulators of the membrane localized ERα36 might be beneficial for the outcome. This of course necessitates further verification and testing, while the fact that ERα36 can mediate a biphasic anti-estrogen signaling in ER-negative breast cancer cells, as recently reported,206 should be taken into account. The above results match those of Lee et al,207 who also reported the expression of ERα36 in a small series of ER-positive and negative breast tumors. However, in a series of 896 patients,208 ERα36 expression was associated with a poorer prognosis. Nevertheless, the authors did not specify the relevance of ERα36 localization (membrane and cytosolic) to patients’ survival, a feature which was found discriminant in our series.
In a non-published series of breast cancer patients, membrane-associated ERα staining was evidenced in ~20% of cases. Apart from our work, only one recent publication has assayed extranuclear ER localization. In an excellent work, Welsh et al209 performed a tissue microarray (TMA)-based retrospective analysis of extranuclear ER, in a series of 8 different cohorts of archival breast cancer cases, totaling 3981 different samples. Analysis was performed by automatic methods and verified by pathologists, according to rigorously specified criteria. The authors report that major staining was cytoplasmic and not-membrane associated and that “the overall incidence of cytoplasmic staining only averaged 1.49%, ranging from 0% to 3.2% at best. As many of the cytoplasmic cases were observed in cohorts from outside institutions, we did not have broad access to the original tissue to conduct any follow-up analysis on the individual cases”. The discrepancy between the two studies points to the need to establish specific criteria for membrane/extranuclear staining and to train pathologists for such a diagnosis, based on the established standard diagnostic criteria for ER nuclear and extranuclear/membrane positivity.
5. Concluding remarks
The data presented here relate to the field of estrogen receptors, with emphasis on their extranuclear localization and action, an area in which considerable progress has been made over the last decade. The identification of receptor isoforms for ERα and β, dotted with specific actions, together with the exploration of extranuclear, rapid actions, have significantly expanded the field and provided novel insights explaining some of estrogen’s effects, which have been difficult to be integrated to the genomic action of the hormone. Much work has yet to be done in order to decipher the nature of a putative membrane “ERx” and to determine its effects, as well as the effect of extranuclear ER(s) cellular and molecular actions. In addition, the design, synthesis and evaluation of novel agents modifying the activity of membrane-acting estrogen could provide novel therapeutic approaches for malignancies in which E2 exerts a specific action.
In the case of breast cancer, estrogen together with progesterone receptors and Her2/neu are nowadays considered as the major predictive and prognostic biomarkers, driving cancer adjuvant therapy. Initial determination of ERs was made by ligand binding assays, in cytoplasmic preparations of tumor specimens. This technique enabled the detection of unliganded ERs and their isoforms, as determined by their ability to bind [3H]-estradiol. However, nuclear fractions of ERs were also evidenced,210 although liganded ERs could not be detected.211 Soon after, with the development of specific anti-ER antibodies, ligand binding was routinely replaced by immunohistochemistry, which is the “gold standard” today. The use of antibodies has made possible the identification of both liganded and unliganded receptors,211 while their nuclear localization is the only one taken into account for diagnostic/therapeutic purposes. However, this method is also controversial: antibodies recognizing different parts of the receptor are on the market (critically discussed in Ref 209) and therefore the results provided are not comparable, especially in view of divergences in the binding capacity and the conformational effect on the receptor induced by anti-estrogen (used in some cases as a neo-adjuvant therapy). In support of this point, a recent publication of our group shows the identification of ERα36 immunoreactive molecules in a series of 52 triple-negative breast cancer cases204 and also in ERα-negative and positive breast cancer specimens (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Expression of ERs in breast cancer specimens. A and B. Typical cases of ERα-positive and negative immunohistochemical staining of breast tumors. However, as shown in D and E these tumors express membrane estrogen receptors, as depicted by fluorescent microscopy after E2-BSA-FITC binding. In C, ERα36 staining is depicted, while in F an ER-negative case is presented, in which a dotted membrane immunochemical positivity is shown.
Furthermore, using a fluorescent non-permeable E2 analog (E2-BSA-FITC), we have reported the presence of estrogen membrane binding sites in both ER-positive and negative breast cancer cases, which correlate with patients’ survival.203 Finally, in 20% of breast cancer cases, a membrane immunostaining component could be identified.
So, where do we now stand? Should we integrate the knowledge of extranuclear and membrane-associated ERs into our diagnostic armamentarium? In the authors’ opinion, this development is as yet premature; in the absence of specific modulators, membrane ER(s) will not provide added diagnostic or therapeutic clues. However, their presence (either cytoplasmic or especially membrane-bound) might provide additional information on the possible response of patients to hormonal manipulation. In this respect, a “re-education” of pathologists so that they may include the notion of mER within their diagnostic assets seems necessary.
We are indebted to all authors whose work has significantly contributed to the field and who have not been cited herein, due to space limitation.
Grant support
Work partially supported by an EU grant (303723-CIG, 2012) to VP.
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Address for correspondence:
Dr. Elias Castanas, University of Crete, School of Medicine,
Laboratory of Experimental Endocrinology, P.O. Box 2208,
Heraklion, 71110, Greece, Tel.: +30 2810 394580, -84,
Fax: +30 2810 394581, e-mail: castanas@med.uoc.gr
Received 27-06-12, Accepted 20-08-12